Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Once upon a time, there was a universal and effervescent place where all everywhere you looked, there were warmers at every turn, scents that both relaxed and dazzled the senses.  Father Scent, both the ultimate mixologist and scholar on all things scent, decided to take a trip to Earth to sample and draw inspiration from different smells and concoctions the Earth had to offer.

Father Scent transcended to Earth, ready for an adventure, and he wasn't met with happy people and warm scents like he was used to where he lived. The people were cold, unenthusiastic and their homes smelled of nothing, or worse! Smoke, old food, or even body odor!

Poor Father Scent was befuddled and saddened.  But he knew he had to do something.  He came back home and told his fellow friends of scent, "Earth has become an unwelcoming and saddened planet, because they have no good smells to lift them up, promote good moods, good feelings, and all things happiness!  I am sending a few of my special soldiers to blend with the Earthlings and integrate scents into people's lives.

So the special soldiers came to Earth, and brought their best scents and best warmers.  Companies sprang from the inspiration and idea and touched so many lives throughout the love of scent.  Even after the special soldiers went back to their home, the love of scent continued to grow and thrive and people bonded and became friends over their love of wax and scent!

I figured a short story would be a nice way to shake things up!! This is how I feel about the world of wax! There is somewhere where all of us wax addicts get together and love all of our scents, together.  There may be no Father Scent, but we all form friendships over the wax and I love it <3

So, UFGATORBUGG has seen me write on my blog and commenting on other blogs and probably around Facebook too how I was wanting to try "Painting the Roses Red" by the Bathing Garden.  It was between that one and the Wolfsbane Bites, and Wolfsbane Bites ended up winning by a hair.  I sometimes hate scent descriptions, because I like some scents even though I may hate what's in the scent descriptions.

She generously sent me a few cubes of that, plus some other tarts that I had been wanting to try!!

Here's some pictures!!

Pretttyyyyy Wrapping Paper
Lasting Scent Candle Pink Marshmallow Shortbread
and Pink Sugar Melons!!! 

The Bathing Garden!  Claire Burke Original Type, Painting The Roses
Red, and Lemon Curd & Rose Milk
Orchid Lake Harvest, Lush Gothic, and Zucchini Noel

The "Random" picture!  Rosegirl's Wildberry Strawberry Buzz,
Front Porch Apple & Orange Peel Serendipity, and SMT Iced

I realize that this is probably chronologically wrong, but can't move it up!
This is what awaited me, and I love it all!! :D

UFGATORBUGG, thank you so much, so so much for thinking of me and letting me try a few things before committing to buying them myself!!! 

ATTENTION: In light of all of the Acts of Kindness I have been receiving over the past months, I would to pay it forward with a giveaway!!  I will do an OFFICIAL post where everyone who wants to be included will comment, and I'll choose via  Then I will message the recipient and ask what kind of scents they like and pull some from my stash!  :D  This is my first giveaway, so if anyone has any suggestions, let me know!! 


  1. Glad everything arrived safely! I love your short story! As one of my favorite perfumers says "fragrant wishes and warm regards."

    1. Hahahaha I love that!! Yes everything did and thank you sooo much!! :D

  2. Great AOK!! Also, fantastic story, you have a way with words. :)

    Love those LSC scents, she gave you some great stuff! :) She rocks!

    1. Thank you Lauren!! UFGATOR is so sweet!! <3 I feel so gratuitous! That's what I've been told!! I love writing little stories here and there! I feel like if I write too many stories in a short amount of time, they start sounding monotonous and similar. So I spread them out!!
      YES! I melted LSC Pink Marshmallow Shortbread a week or so ago, and it's sooo good!! <3 Yummy!
